Participating Jewelers


The NJS community is working together to inspire, educate and share our knowledge.


Wil Paul Arviso
Nanibaa Beck

Darryl Dean Begay

Philbert Begay

Rebecca Begay

Vernon Begaye



Gene Billie

Ray D Garcia

Jimmy Harrison
Jonah Hill

Ivan Howard

Jesse Robbins


Wanda Gilroy Morrison

Raynard Scott

Marvin Slim

Wanesia Spry Misquadace

Roy Tenorio

Native Jewelers Society is thrilled to be sponsored by CIAC, Inc. NJS artists look forward to working with CIAC, Inc. for more educational workshops and events.

Native Jeweler's Society. and CIAC, Inc. artists promote the
The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-644) is a truth-in-advertising law that prohibits misrepresentation in marketing of Indian arts and crafts products within the United States. If you purchase an art or craft product represented to you as Indian-made, and you learn that it is not, first contact the dealer to request a refund. If the dealer does not respond to your request, you can also contact your local Better Business Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, and the local District Attorney's office, as you would with any consumer fraud complaint. Second, contact the Indian Arts and Crafts Board with your written complaint regarding violations of the Act.